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Today, over 2 billion people worldwide are fighting stress, obesity, hectic lifestyles, and unhealthy habits. More than half of those people are trying to fix it at least once a year. Although, the number of people suffering keeps growing bigger and bigger every day.
Wonder why? Because most of the existing solutions for wellness concentrate on fast results instead of long-lasting ones.
You are continuously lying to yourself that you should follow the best new diet. They are made for the masses, not for you. You won't like the ingredients, meals, eating once per day, or the food's consistency (smoothies? yuck!) and will eventually quit it. Then find a new diet a few months later and do it all over again.
Before starting your wellness journey, ensure that you have a specific plan that matches your lifestyle, habits and food preferences. It’s always easier to adjust your lifestyle, rather than change it entirely. Complete a quick questionnaire to personalize your book that will help you succeed.
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300+ pages packed with personalized resources to help you reach your healthy weight goal while enjoying delicious healthy food you choose and more.